Lessons From Bessemer Part 4: Wilson and Olney Say Bessemer Shows Need For PRO Act, Coordination

Apr 15, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass


By Working Mass

Rand Wilson (a Massachusetts local) and DSLC member Peter Olney write in In These Times that the defeat at Bessemer shows the need for labor law reform, and for larger coordinated campaigns. Wilson and Olney have a generally positive view of the drive, despite its defeat at the polls. 

The authors argue that Amazon’s logistical model, with built-in plant redundancy, means disruptions at any individual facility will have only a limited impact. The authors point out that many groups, including Amazonians United and the Teamsters, are already squaring up for fights against Amazon. 

Wilson and Olney rightly call for increased coordination among the logistics unions. However, they do not provide a clear strategy for how this coordination could be achieved. 

Click here to read the full article.

Continue To Part 5…

Lessons From Bessemer

Part 1: Learn From Bessemer To Beat The BossPart 2: Jane McAlevey Argues A Failure In the Basics Explains Bessemer DefeatPart 3: John Logan Rejects Jane McAlevey’s Critique of RWDSUPart 4: Wilson and Olney Say Bessemer Shows Need For PRO Act, CoordinationPart 5: Rich Yeselson Writes Bessemer Loss Was Crushing DefeatPart 6: Rebecca Green Writes That A Program Is Needed To Organize WorkersPart 7: Charmaine Chua Argues Taking On Amazon Requires Uniting AmazoniansPart 8: Joshua Brewer Fires Back At Outside Critics“}]]