Labor Working Group

Labor solidarity is at the core of democratic socialist politics. Without a strong and organized working class movement, we can’t hope to build the power necessary to challenge capitalism. To that end, the Labor Working Group works to identify ways DSA can support our comrades involved in local labor struggles, to talk with DSA members in unions about what it means to be a democratic socialist in the labor movement, and to work with new DSA members to help form unions in their workplaces.


Monthly, 1st Wednesday of the month


Related News & Updates

Below you’ll find recent updates from the Labor Working Group and articles from Working Mass.

Working Mass is a collaborative project of many Massachusetts DSA chapters and working groups, including Boston DSA’s Labor Working Group, Cape Cod DSA, and Worcester DSA. Read more on their website.

What Project 2025 Means For Labor

What Project 2025 Means For Labor

[[{"value":" Project 2025 calls for a dramatic weakening of employment and labor law, as well as a counter-mobilization of the working and middle classes against the labor movement. By Henry De Groot The Threat of Project 2025 Much has been written in the last few...