In the past three months, the prodigious Internationalism Working Group has continued to drive action within our work.
In our most recent victory, we helped organize a Somerville city council resolution that was passed unanimously in city hall. The resolution called for called on President Biden to take Cuba off the State Sponsored of Terror list and to lift the embargo. We have made significant progress in organizing around Cuba – and we are dilly prepared to organize more.
Starting this Sunday, we plan to organize a standout with Massachusetts Peace Action for Cuba every fourth Sunday at 2 PM ET for the following months. The next protest will be at Copley Plaza. We also have organized an internationalism reading group that will introduce members to the importance of internationalist solidarity. We extend an invitation to all members! If you would like to join us, please feel free to reach out to us at We plan to start it on Sunday, October 16. More details to follow.
The struggle continues, but we plan to find and join those in the struggle all across the world. We are excited for you to join us, too.
The Internationalism Working Group’s next monthly meeting is on Thursday, October 20 at 7 pm on Zoom. Email to get involved!