Feb 1, 2024 | Cambridge, Chapter Updates
Over the past week, Somerville and Cambridge became the first two cities in Massachusetts to pass ceasefire resolutions calling for Israel to cease its military operations in the Gaza Strip. Somerville voted to pass their resolution on Thursday, January 25. The final...
Nov 7, 2023 | Endorsements, Healthcare
Boston DSA endorses the Massachusetts Medicare for All bills H.1239 & S.744, and submitted the following written testimony of the bill: Dear Chair Friedman, Chair Lawn, and members of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, We are the Boston chapter of the...
Oct 6, 2023 | Endorsements, Internationalism, Uncategorized
In the wake of the Israeli invasion of Gaza, we are inspired by the courage of the Palestinian people. We call upon everyone in the Boston area to express clear support for the Palestinian resistance, without conditions, and to take action to disrupt support for...
Jul 4, 2023 | Chapter Updates
BOSTON, MA: Last week more than a dozen members in good standing of Boston DSA submitted to us, the local Coordinating Committee, a motion to expel Mike Connolly from the organization. It is the right of members to bring forth motions for the local to vote on,...
Jul 3, 2023 | Chapter Updates, Endorsements, Labor
Boston DSA has signed onto a resolution for cross-union/organization anti-Nazi organizing meetings and actions. The resolution reads as follows: Labor Call to Action Increasing Neo-Nazi Activity in Massachusetts is a Labor Issue! Three months after gaining power in...