Jun 29, 2023 | Labor, Working Mass
By Paul Garver and Eli Gerzon DISCLAIMER: The entire Working Mass board appreciates the research and reporting that went into this important article and of course the big wins for rail workers across the US. However, some members of the board strongly disagree with...
Jun 2, 2023 | Cambridge, PEWG blog
In January, Cambridge police killed Arif Sayed Faisal, a 20-year-old UMass student experiencing a mental health crisis. Despite multiple protests and community outrage in the 5 months since the shooting, neither Cambridge Police (CPD) nor the established Police Review...
May 1, 2023 | Endorsements, Labor
Boston DSA endorses the picket of David Zaslav at Boston University’s 2023 Commencement. Boston University YDSA, Boston DSA, BU Grad Workers Union, DSA-LA Hollywood Labor are telling Boston University that David Zaslav should not be their 2023 Commencement...
Feb 22, 2023 | Electoral, Housing, PEWG blog
Boston City Hall Photo by Naquib Hossain on Flickr On Feb. 21st Boston DSA emailed out the following call to action to Boston residents encouraging them to give public testimony on how the Mayor’s rent control proposal is in need of serious changes Tomorrow,...
Feb 10, 2023 | Endorsements, Healthcare
Boston DSA signs onto the Mass-Care 2023 Medicare for All (M4A) cosponsorship letter that will be sent to legislators in the state house. This letter will ask legislators in both the state House and Senate to co-sponsor An Act Establishing Medicare for All in...