Apr 20, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass
[[{“value”:” By Working Mass In a lengthy interview with LaborNotes, Joshua Brewer, the head RWDSU organizer on the Bessemer campaign, provides a detailed and valuable account of the campaign from the union’s perspective. He pushes back against...
Apr 16, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass
[[{“value”:” By Dan Albright I AM SOMEBODY (1970) dir. Madeline Anderson. The Boston DSA Socialist Feminist Working Group, Afrosocialists and Socialists of Color Caucus, and Labor Working Group sponsored a virtual public screening of I AM SOMEBODY on...
Apr 15, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass
[[{“value”:” By Working Mass Charmaine Chua, an organizer with Amazonian’s United, argues in Jacobin that taking on Amazon will take more than organizing one shop at a time. Chua investigates what the logistics revolution means for unionizing,...
Apr 15, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass
[[{“value”:” By Working Mass Unlike most commentators, Rebecca Green’s contribution to the debate in Socialist Alternative is based on that organization’s on-the-ground presence in Bessemer. Green places the blame for the defeat on Amazon’s illegal...
Apr 15, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass
[[{“value”:” By Working Mass Rich Yeselson writes in Jacobin that the loss in Bessemer was a crushing defeat. Yeselson agrees with McAlevey that, in addition to Amazon’s union-busting, the “malfeasance” of the RWDSU is to blame for the defeat, and...
Apr 15, 2021 | Labor, Working Mass
[[{“value”:” By Working Mass Rand Wilson (a Massachusetts local) and DSLC member Peter Olney write in In These Times that the defeat at Bessemer shows the need for labor law reform, and for larger coordinated campaigns. Wilson and Olney have a...